Explore over one million articles published across our evolving family of multidisciplinary
journals covering the physical sciences and beyond.
From quantum technology, material sciences and particle physics to environmental science, sustainability and the biosciences, we work closely with scholarly societies and researchers around the globe. Together, we publish the latest research following the highest standards of scientific rigour.
Did you know?
IOPP has published over 323,000 journal articles in the last decade*
391 million
IOPP journal articles have been downloaded over 391 million times in the last decade*
In 2022, more than 25,000 corresponding authors chose to publish their work with us*
* IOPP data
100% of IOPP-owned primary research journals offer open access publishing
120+ Nobel laureates and Field Medal winners published in our journals
What makes 番茄影院 special?
Open science
We are committed to supporting the future of open science. All of IOPP-owned journals publish open access articles enhancing the visibility of this research.
Rigorous peer review
Over 200,000 international editors and reviewers deliver the highest standard of double anonymous peer review across all our journals
Multidisciplinary research
With over 100 journals covering the physical sciences, our journals reflect and reinforce the expanding multidisciplinary nature of scientific research.
Society owned
Any profits generated from our journals are re-invested in the Institute of Physics, helping to support research, education, and outreach around the world.